Sunday, September 29, 2024

Aquí estamoh hermano, April 8, 2024

Hola como les a ido?

This week had two parts a spiritual high and a physical low. 

It all started last week Monday after pday when we had an online meeting with the ward missionary leaders. My comp went to take a quick power nap because he had a massive headache. When the time came to start the meeting I went to wake him up. Now imagine this... a huge 6'4" football player snoring like a huffing bear. I was a bit nervous to wake him up, and then when I tried I couldn't. So I left him to rest up his headache and joined the meeting. 

Tuesday was a normal day, my companions headache got better. We had a fantastic lesson with Christian about the law of chastity and tithing and fast offerings. He already knew everything from his girlfriend who is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Christian was a miracle, he came to us ready and prepared by God.

Wednesday was más o menos normal until our final lesson of the day when two things happened. Our lesson was with Yuliathny and her 9 year old son Leandro. She was baptized years ago when she was 10 and then left the church. But then she saw an ad for the church on Instagram and felt prompted to contact us because she remembered how great her baptism was and wanted her son to have that opportunity as well. Anyways this was our 3rd time meeting with them and we asked Leandro if he wanted to be baptized and he said he'd love to. So now we are helping him get ready to make this covenant with God. Thats the first part. The second part is, I don't know if it happened on our Sunday lesson with them or on this lesson but Leandro had a cold, and that bug got to me and Elder Sorensen. And it hit hard whatever it was. Oh also we received transfer news that night, me and Elder Sorensen are both staying here for another 6 weeks!

Thursday we kept working and in the afternoon we had to go to the mission office. Which worked out for me because there was a letter I was waiting for me there haha, but wouldn't receive until a couple weeks later. But the reason for going was because my companion needed to call the government back home because someone was using his info to file for tax returns or some fun thing like that. So we were there for a good 2 hours figuring all that out haha. Then after that ended we booked it back to Estrella Sur and went to the house of Elvis and Gimena. Where we ate some pizza and then they told us that Gimena is pregnant! It was a very hype evening. And then right after that my comp and I went to our zone leaders house so I could trade ties with Elder Plane as he was getting transferred out and is going home to the states in 6 weeks, and we didn't know if we'd see each other again. 

Friday morning my comp and I woke up super sick. It was kinda funny, on Monday last week my mom and I were talking and she asked if I had gotten really sick on the mission, I just told her nothing major, just some mild stuff. So we ended up texting our district leader, Elder Carreño, and he told us to rest and that he also was super sick. So all of Friday and all of Saturday we were in the house resting with the exception of going out for lunch. All we could do was work from the phone. 

Saturday was the start of General Conference. A series of sessions where the prophet, his apostles and leaders of the church give talks about numerous things. And also there are choirs that sing glorious praises. There were three sessions on Saturday and two on Sunday. We watched majority of the conference from home and some from members homes or the stake center! It was incredible!! Very spiritually filling.

Spiritual thought: There was a talk Saturday evening that stood out to me by Andrea Muñoz Sapannus or something like that. But she talked about David and Goliath and how David brought 5 stones in preparation for the battle. She related each of those 5 stones to things that will help us prepare to face the GIANTS in our life.

1. The stone of the Love of God

- let our love for God be the greatest influence in our lives

2. The stone of Faith on Christ

- this means to fully trust in His wisdom, timing, guidance, etc.

3. The stone of Knowledge of our true identity 

- we are children of God, children of the covenant and disciples of Christ

4. The stone of Daily Repentance 

- repentance isn't a punishment but freedom

- not a one time thing but an ongoing process

5. The stone of Access to God's power

- baptism and making covenants give us power

I love these 5 things and testify that with them we can face the giants in our lives with confidence and power. Embrace them and integrate them into your life. 

Question of the week: How can you use these 5 "stones" to help you?

Love you all!!

Elder Spencer

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