Sunday, September 29, 2024

Leandrosito, April 29, 2024

Owen Spencer <>

Mon, Apr 29, 8:43 PM

to bcc: me

This was a busy week!


- Service! We got to do some service for a lady in our ward. Someone had cut a bunch of branches down and we had to snap them and fit them into bags.

- Went on intercambios with Elder Tate, I went to his area and got to follow him around. He has less time in the mission then me and we had a lot of fun. He's from Florida and a red necked one at that. 

- During the intercambio we visited a lady who's paralyzed from an accident years ago, and then recently her 16 year old son died. She had every reason to be bitter and angry for the miserable things happening in her life. But she turned toward God. I had the opportunity to give her a blessing of health as she is sick and I found myself saying that God loves her and knows what she is going through. And that she will see her son and be with him one day. And then I felt pure love for this lady as she took my hands after with tears in her eyes and thanked me and praised God. 

- Also on the intercambio, we went outside of Santiago to the countryside and it gets dark early now so we walked alongside a long country road for a couple hours talking to people. It was very nice, quiet, could hear bugs, could see the stars. Much different then the past 9 months of living in the city. Then we found a random restaurant and ate some food while watching a fútbol match. Then the next morning we tried flying some kites to no avail and a homeless guy ended up laughing at our attempts, and we laughed alongside him haha. 

- On Sunday our 9 year old friend got baptized! It was very special experience! I had the opportunity to baptize him which was pretty special as well. After the ordinance he asked if he could swim a little bit in the font haha. And after he received the gift of the Holy Ghost I asked how he felt and he said "I feel God." And then walked away. It was powerful. 

That was about it for the week!

A scripture that I really loved this week and that helped me out is:

Matthew 11:28-30

"28 ¶ Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

I took comfort in this scripture this week because life as a missionary is not easy. You are constantly exposed to the negative things happening in people's lives. If we aren't teaching someone or eating we are out walking in the streets with a lot of people yelling rude things at you. And sometimes you feel completely alone, in a different country, far from your family, with another 20 year old you just met a month ago. 

But the fact about this scripture is no I'm not alone and no this is not my burden to take. It is Jesus Christs. And He is offering to us to come unto Him and we will have rest. We are still expected to take upon His yoke and follow Him, but it will be easy and light with Him by oursides. We have to come unto Christ and make the choice to do so, He is waiting with open arms to take up our burden and work with us. 

Question of the week: How can you give your burdens to Christ?

Love you all!

Elder Spencer

Leandro's baptism

broken egg



dog in the apartment




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