Sunday, September 29, 2024

New Friends, June 3, 2024

Hola a todos!

Another week has flown by!


- We found some new people to teach! María, Dahiana, Julio, and Alexander.

- María already knows a lot about the church, she has family that are members and she wants to be baptized! She also wants to learn English.

- Dahiana recently moved to Chile from Colombia. One of her friends reached out to us and told us to go visit her! She is very receptive and loves asking questions. 

- Julio had spoken with missionaries for a long time but lost contact for some years. He finally reached out again and said he wanted to start coming unto God little by little. 

- Alexander reached out to us. He moved to Chile 2 days ago and is in a difficult situation. But he wants God in his life and wants to do the will of God. We put him on date to be baptized. My companion was super excited (I was too), it's his first baptismal date in the mission! 

- I went on an exchange with an Elder named Elder Suarez. He's from Bolivia. He was baptized 2 years ago and wanted to go share the good news of the gospel right away! We came into the mission together and we were in the same zone for the first 4 and a half months. So we were excited to have the opportunity to work together! We ate some really really good sushi and went to a ward activity together!

- My favourite part of the week was when a friend, Gimena, from my past area came and took us for ice cream! It was so great to see her! She works in my area and it was her last day as she's about to take a leave for her pregnancy. It was wonderful to visit with her, I'm sad her husband wasn't there though. But it was a good stress reliever to see a familiar happy face that I've known for the past 5 months.

Spiritual thought: I know I've shared this scripture in the past but it has recently helped me a lot so I wanted to reshare it. 

1 kings 19:12

"12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice."

In our lives we have many trails and tribulations, many errands to run, people to see, tasks to accomplish. Our lives are full and busy. It's like the chaos of an earthquake or the dancing flames of a fire. And we don't have time to seek God. It is only after the fire that we kind find and hear God. It's once we give time in our stressful or busy lives we will be able to hear the still small voice. I testify this is true, that I've witness it happen on my mission time and time again. If an interaction is stressful and there is lots of shouting, afterwards, or during I'll excuse myself to go to a quiet place and pray and listen to God.

Question of the week: How can you seek the still small voice of the Lord?

Elder Spencer

Kittie in my sweater

 Biblioteca with Suarez

Ice cream with Gimena!

Me and Suarez chilling on a bridge


Sushi with Suarez

lemon bars!

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