Monday, September 30, 2024

Jesucristo, June 26, 2024

Hey everyone!

This was an extra long week as I had the opportunity to go to the temple today! It was worth the wait! It was very spiritually uplifting.

On a different note, I should not be eligible to teach English anymore. This is a quote straight from my mouth trying to explain a certain situation. "When I had 18 years I was in the university"🫠 After I said that I paused, and the hermana that speaks English and I burst out laughing. And then I had to explain the difference between after and afterwards. And I couldn't do it. If someone knows please send me an email and explain it jaja. 

A couple nights this week the city has turned into a wailing city. That's what it sounds like anyways. But what it really is, is people celebrating for soccer. From our apartment balcony you can hear the cheering echo through the city, it's pretty awesome. And also last night a couple Peruvians were mad at me because Canada beat Peru. We'll see how it goes at church on Sunday after the game between Canada and Chile on Saturday night.

We will receive cambio news tomorrow. This is a sad cambio as a lot of my friends go home. Elder Maxfield, Elder Sorensen, Elder Johnson, Elder Anziani Elder Parsons, Elder Pond and Hermana Murer. It's been a fun time with them and I've learned a lot from them. Great memories. It's sad saying goodbye, but maybe I'll cross paths with them again. 

Spiritual thought: 2 Nefi 25:26 

"26 And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." 

This scripture is one of my favourites and it describes what I do as a missionary! I talk of Christ, I rejoice in Christ, and I preach of Christ. All that so that people may know where to look for a remission of their sins. I testify that Christ lives. I know that He loves you. I know that He suffered every pain, heartbreak, sorrow and anguish that has happened in your life. And because of that I testify that He knows how to succor you in these times. To heal you, to bring you peace, to bring you joy. I testify that Christ is our Saviour and Redeemer. I invite all to come unto Christ. For I testify that when you do, your life will change. And if you've witnessed this change in your life. Go. Talk of Christ. Rejoice in Christ. Preach of Christ. So that others will have the chance to come unto Him just as you have. 

Question of the week: How can you come unto Christ? Or how can you help others come unto Christ?

Love you all!

Elder Spencer

                                                    out in the rain                                

Noche de Hogar with friends

Temple trip!


Got to see Sorensen one last time before he leaves tomorrow

Lunch with the Elders

Saying goodbye to Hna Murer

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