Sunday, September 29, 2024

Getting Settled, May 27, 2024

Que pasa mis queridos amigos??

This week flew by, which was both a good thing and a bad thing. Good because I'm happy here and excited to work in this new area and bad thing because there is way to much information and things to keep track of. I've definitely seen my organization skills grow in the past couple days.

We are getting to know this area little by little. It rained a lot this week so we were limited to what we could do. We have some massive parks in the area, massive buildings and malls, lots of out door shopping, cool architecture and lots of tourists. I've heard a lot of people speaking English, it plays with my mind on the streets haha. As I'm accustomed to only hear Spanish. 

We had zone conference this week and even though I didn't get to see a lot of my friends it was a great conference. We are focusing this transfer on chapter 5 of Preach My Gospel (a book we use to help us teach and learn and grow as missionaries). And this chapter is about the power of the Book of Mormon. As a mission we are going to read the book of mormon together, we started yesterday and we are going to finish at the end of September. Reading with the focus of finding truths and scriptures related to Jesus Christ. So im really excited to do this! 

We are teaching someone named Juan from Perú. He has been here in Santiago for a while now. And his story is a very sad one. He is constantly depressed and dwelling in his sadness. He wants to change his ways and do things to help get out of his depression. But he isn't willing to act or do things to change which is sad to see. So we are helping him bit by bit to get the will power and desire to act.

Spiritual thought. At zone conference a scripture was shared that I've heard many times before. But this time it hit me a lot differently. Isaiah 1:18

"18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." The imagery of that is amazing. I wear a white shirt every single day. And I often get stains on it, or just from wearing them so often there more yellowish then white. Whenever we sin we can imagine that our souls receive a scarlet stain. And we sin over and over again. And sometimes it seems like we can't get all the stains out. But Jesus is testifying that through the Atonement and repentance we can wash all our sins away and go from scarlet to white as snow. And it hit me harder as I've seen it happen during my mission. I've seen people go from a difficult place and completely change. I can see the red turning into white and it is very beautiful to witness.

Question of the week: How can you let Jesus Christ help you overcome a challenge in your life?

Love you all! 

Elder Spencer

                                    El Libro De Mormon

Some photos of our district hike this morning

 In the rain


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