Monday, September 30, 2024

God is our Stronghold, June 10, 2024

Hola buenas noches!

This will be a short email this week.

This week we found a couple new people to teach. One of them is Dé from Brazil that is only actually in Chile for a month. He is traveling the world spending a month in each country! Pretty cool that as he gets to knows the earth, he's seeking to find and know God!

We had a couple great family home evenings with some families this week! Lots of small children testifying of Jesus Christ is very powerful. Some of the most profound thoughts I've heard in the past couple weeks came from small children. 

Today was a fun day. We toured my area, going to stores, malls, parks, outdoor shops, and more! Then we played some fútbol and cards!

Spiritual thought: Nahum 1:7 

"7 The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him."

Question of the week: How can you let God be your stronghold in the day of trouble?

Elder Spencer



 learned how to make empanadas de venezuela

my comp accidently knocked the bed down well I was in the other room


horse statues we've found 

lesson with our friend Naru

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