Sunday, September 29, 2024

🌟⬇️ Update, April 15, 2004

Wena wena!!

This week started with a intercambio with Elder Maxfield my new zone leader. He's an amazing person and a hard worker. I got to go to his area for the day and not stress about where to go and what to do. We had an amazing day as well. Started off with a lesson in the morning with a woman named America and her 1 year old daughter. And then her neighbour came and joined us! It was the neighbours first time listening to us and we taught about the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ. We took turns teaching and when it came time in the lesson to share the first vision with them it was my turn. Every time the first vision is shared I feel the spirit, and this time was no different. After the lesson America and her friend commented they felt it too and believed in the experiences of Joseph Smith. After that lesson we went to lunch with a big family. And it was a very funny lunch, lots of out of pocket comments from the members. At one point the hermana was tallying points for either Canada or USA and which was better. After that Maxfield and I went and did some contacts. We were looking for a house for about 30 minutes and it turns out the direction we had was wrong, after asking some neighbours we found the home. And we talked to a less active sister for a while and set up a lesson with her and her grandchildren. Then we visited a father and a son, the son is a member and has just finished his mission papers. He really wants to get called to Canada, so when he found out I was from there he got really excited. His dad isn't a member and we were able to talk to him about his son, baptism and the church. Then we had a couple more successful contacts and lessons and that was the end of it, I didn't stay the night because the zone leaders had a meeting to go to, so I went back to 🌟 ⬇️ Estrella Sur with Elder Sorensen. 

The next day we didn't have any lessons so it was straight contacts after district council. After a long day of walking and getting rejected we returned home around 9:45pm and we started talking to our gate keeper (the person that works at the gate and unlocks it for pedestrians and cars). Turns out she's met with the missionaries a bunch and listed some that we know, and we ended up talking to her till 10:45ish while she was working, shared beliefs and she told us her story and we shared ours. Her name is Esther, moved from Paraguay a while back and has been here alone ever since. Got married had a son and got divorced. Kept going, her parents visited her after a while, then her dad died when he returned. She wasn't able to go to the funeral and her only regret amd fear was he didn't know Christ before he died.

On Friday we met Sebastián. Bro popped out of the shadows and said in english "what's your name." I thought we were getting robbed and that was buddies intro line. Nah. Turns out he just wanted to talk. Invited us over to his parents house for a smoke and a drink, we politley refused. And then he invited us over in the morning next week to cook for us and talk to us more, so we said yes. He told us he believes in God and Christ and no one else. Not in saints or in Mary. We told him we weren't catholic and said we believe in the same things he does. He got happy after that and talked about a lot more then went on his way. 

Sunday was pretty hype at church. Every Saturday we send out an ad for church on our whatsapp story. And one of our old friends we taught a while back texted us and said he'd pull up with his mama and niece. And sure enough they came! As well as Christian who is getting baptized on Saturday and also Cristian the son of a recent convert. It was testimony meeting and they all loved hearing the testimonies of people just like them that have come to know Christ and His power. I hoped it inspired them. I also had the opportunity to pass the sacrament and seeing peoples faces as they had the opportunity to renew their covenants and start the week anew gave me courage and strength to work with cualquier fuerza this week!

Spiritual thought: D&C 82:9

"9 I give unto you directions how you may act before me, that it may turn to you for your salvation." I like this scripture a lot as it shows how God allows us free agency. Yes good has given us commandments to follow. But it is "how [we] may act" not "how we must act."  God allows us to choose to follow the commandments or not. But then He also clearly states what will happen if we choose to keep His commandments. It will bring us our salvation and we will be spiritually saved, allowed to live in the presence of God.

Questions of the week: who's an example of a follower Christ in your life? And how have you seen God bless their lives? 


How have you seen God bless you in your life for your efforts?

Love you all! Take care!

Elder Spencer

Me and Elder Maxfield

 Swing break

Me and Alonso, absolute legend of a character

Morning run got some chocolate from a friend

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