Sunday, July 21, 2024

La Pascua, April 1, 2024

Happy Easter everyone!

There wasn't to much Easter celebrations here. Some chocolate eggs here and there. We spent Easter at a members house, talking and eating. I hope everyone had a splendid Easter as well, focusing on Christ and spending time with family.

Not much happened this week, we've found three Venezuelan houses which is awesome! Basically there are these houses and every time you go to the door there is a different Venezuelan. And when you go in there are about 10-15 people that live there, a range of cualquier age.

Our friends are meeting more people in our congregation at church which is sweet! This ward here is awesome, if I were to live in Santiago I would definitely want to live here. The people are super friendly, there are a lot of families, a lot of guys around my age, and more. But I might be leaving them this week, we have our transfers. I want to stay with this amazing ward for another month and a 1/2 and with Elder Sorensen but it would also be exciting to leave and go on a new adventure. We'll see next week.

Spiritual thought: Helaman 3:28

"28 Yea, thus we see that the gate of heaven is open unto all, even to those who will believe on the name of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God."

I love this scripture because we need to have faith and believe in Jesus Christ, the living Son of our living God. This scripture shows the mercy of God and the purpose of Christ's sacrifice for us. I like that it says that gate is open unto all. Everybody. Todo del mundo (all the world). Everyone that was ever on earth and will be. So long as we believe in Him and follow Him! I am very grateful for this knowledge in my life and the opportunity I have to share it to the people in Chile!

Question of the week: How have you felt this week while studying and remembering the holy week? And if you don't believe in Christ, how was your Easter?

Elder Spencer

Yo y Cristobal

"Elder what language did that man speak?" "That... was spanish"

Hay un michi

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