Sunday, July 21, 2024

Prepare Now to Meet God, March 18, 2024

This week we had a lot of lessons morning afternoon and night! It was great! We had 21/32! A lot of them fell through though, but that was ok because it gave us an opportunity to find new people! We started finding in different ways, top 4 from this week (name/description/effectivness):

1. Library- there was an outdoor little library so we put in a book of mormon and some pamphlets about the restoration, plan of salvation, and gospel of Christ all having our number. 5/10 because we don't know if anyone will read them, but we passed by the next day and one was gone

2. Thirst- Walked around far from our home without water, using this as an excuse to ask people for water. It's pretty risky if no one gives you water. 9/10 if people give you water it makes them to stay and talk to you as you slowly enjoy the iced water. And like Einstein (I think) said, "if you get someone to do something for you, it makes them like you more." We had a lot of success with this

3. Washroom- similar to the water but you ask to use the washroom. 8/10 because no one is really going to reject you. But one less then the water because it is a little different then staying outside with the water, you are actually entering the house

4. Are you Daniela- you knock a house and ask for a specific name, and ask if they live there. If they don't you tell then why we are looking for them (because they wanted to hear a message which is true) and then ask if they are interested.

Miracle 1

After church there was a mother and son chilling outside. We went up to them and talked. The conversation going as such: (W- woman, M- missionaries)

W: I'm looking for a church to go to, I've been to a lot and I've liked none of them. Haven't felt good in any of them.🫤

M: Ah yes? 🙂(Giving her time to keep talking)

W: Yes, is your church only available to certain people?🤔

M: No it is open to everyone!😁

W: Oh really??😃

M: Yes! Would you like to come next week at 10am with us?🧐

W: I'd love to! Is there anything else during the week that I can hear the word of God?🤔

M: As a matter of fact, our role as missionaries is exactly that, to visit people and spread/share the word of God! Could we visit you this week?🧐

W: How much does it cost?🤔

M: It costs nothing! As a matter of fact we pay to be here and share the joyful message of God and Christ!😇

*exchanges contact information*

Miracle 2

We were out in a part of our area an hour by bus from 3pm-9pm without water and food (a lot of the strategies were used here) knocking doors and talking to people. We didn't have to much success. Made some catholics who gave us water, met a woman who likes tennis that let us use the washroom, met some other people in a small diner. But no one that seemed prepared by God to hear us. We were on our way home as we were tired from walking up and down a mountain side in the sun. And we decided to pass by one more house that called our attention. And a Columbian opened the door and ushered us in! He told us he moved recently to this area and that he took the missionary lessons before. Told us he wants to come to church and get baptized! He excitedly told us he overcame his drug addiction and can finally get baptized! So we will pass by him again tomorrow.

Spiritual thought: Recently I've been thinking a lot about the purpose of life and the second coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. And this scripture stood out to me. Alma 34:32...

"32 For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors." It says it right in there why we are here on the earth. It's a probationary state and our time to prepare to meet our Maker. And we do this through our labours. And my thoughts of the Second Coming are this: we don't know when, put it will be soon based of the signs and fulfillments of prophecy. We need to start now to prepare for that time; to meet God and Christ. Joshua 24:15 "...choose you this day whom ye will serve;..." This day, not tomorrow, not next week. This day. Start preparing to meet your maker, and if you already have been, help others. For it is God's work and glory “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” (Moses 1:39). Because "the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.” (Doctrine and Covenants 18:10). So by preparing yourself, and helping others prepare, you are helping to bring to pass the work of God. Which is a glorious work and a wonder to behold.

Question of the week: What is something new you can do to prepare to meet our God or to help someone else?

Love you all! Have a fabulous week, eh?

Elder Spencer

What the cat doin'?

Eating my Berlin while chillin on a swing

The Library strategy caught in 4k

Ciudad de Los Valles

                                                            Me wishing we could use bikes 

                            This amazing fry place I found on an intercambio with Elder Pippert

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