Hey everyone!!
Lots of things happened this week! I'm going to just list them off.
- Ok first about the title, I was on an exchange with Elder Pereira and we were doing some contacts at night. And this man approached us and I feel uneasy. Anyways he starts talking to us saying that he knows he looks like the typical person to rob someone else and usually he is. But this time he just want to talk to "the messengers of God." He then gave us the keys to his house as a way of saying I won't rob you. It was kinda funny. He then gave us a dollar to go buy whatever and insisted we take it.
- Our friend Gonzalo got baptized this week!! I've had the privilege to teach and help get him ready for this moment for a week and a half. He's a really special soul. He grew up without parents moving from here to there. And he bore his testimony after his baptism saying he finally found his family. It was very sweet.
- Oh yeah my birthday was also this week. It was a blast! I loved receiving all the messages! Thank you for thinking of me. But it was a great day, we had zone conference, so I got to see a lot of my mission friends. And then that evening we set a baptismal date with a friend we are teaching! It was a very special moment! Her mom is a member of the church that is returning to activity. And we asked her to share about when she has felt the Holy Ghost in her life. And she brought up her baptism. And her daughter said afterwards that she wanted to be baptized and feel and have the power of the Holy Ghost in her life. We all felt the spirit strongly in that moment.
It was a good week!
I want to share some lines from a song that I've listen to a lot this week. It's a hymn titled "Gethsemane."
"The hardest thing that ever was done,
The greatest pain that ever was known,
The biggest battle that ever was won—
This was done by Jesus!
The fight was won by Jesus!"
It is talking about the Atonement or the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I love the line that says the fight was won by Jesus. Look the outcome of the battle between good and evil has already been decided. The fight has been won!!!! This is the good news!!! We need to decide ourselves if we are on the side thats already won or on the side that's already lost. As for me I am willing to do everything in my power to be on the side that already has the victory, and I'm willing to help others come unto Christ to be perfected in Him. Decide now. Actually decide. Don't just be like "yeah sweet, God's team" and do nothing about it. Decide and take action!
What are you willing to do to actively chose each day to be on God's team?
Love you all!!!
God and Christ have prevailed!! Let them prevail. Your lives too!!
Elder Spencer
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