Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Ironing Board...bonk! September 30, 2024

Another week has flown by.

It started off with a sweet district council on Tuesday. Where we did some practices. It was a little strange because there are only 4 of us in our district. During my mission I've been in districts of 8 or 6. But of 4? It feels strange haha. 

My companion and I finally received our Sim card on Friday! It has been nice having it, definitely is a blessing to the work. But I will admit our time without the chip has been a lot of fun! We found 14 people this week to teach. We felt like our fathers, doing the work without a cellphone, it was awesome! We definitely saw the hand of the Lord each and everyday, working miracles in our lives. 

This week we had zone conference! It was fun seeing a lot of my missionary friends. Sadly I wasn't able to see any missionaries from my last sector, I was a little saddened by that. The messages were great! We talked a lot about doctrine and principles. We finally got an ironing board! Because this house didn't have one and we all definitely needed an ironing board. But then... on our way home in the metro, my comp lost it.. bonk. But I guess someone was blessed with an ironing board! 

My roommates found out that I had some calesthenics workouts and they dubbed me workout coach. We completed our first day today, I ain't gonna go easy on us haha. 

Some weird/funny/odd experiences I've had in the streets:

- a group of men chanted Satan and the devil at us as we passed them.

- there was a drunk lady that tried to hit on us.

- flew a kite, cut my fingers on the string, and found some new people to teach.

- my white shirt got splattered from a bunch of berries the fell from a tree.

- someone threw an apple at us.

When we introduce ourselves as missionaries to doors we knock, I like to ask people a specific question: if you could ask God one thing, could be about literally anything, what would you ask Him? I like this question because it actually makes them stop and think instead of slamming the door and rejecting us out of habit. I've heard a plethora of interesting questions.

There are two scriptures I like, both from the Book of Mormon. The first is in Mormón 9:21 and the second is in Moroni 10:5. And they read:

"21 Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth."

"5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things"

Anything we ask God, in faith in Christ and real intention, the knowledge or blessings will be bestowed upon us throw the power of the Holy Ghost. This is a powerful and wonderful promise! Doubt not our faith but doubt our doubts and ask God. 

I love you all and hope you've all had a wonderful week!

Elder Spencer


cooked with Carlson

my mission parents

rip that van

alfahores with Carlson

massive lemons on a lemon tree

trip home from the zone conference... without our ironing board😢

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