Wuena wuena! Como estamos??
I have left Compañía! It was pretty sad, I loved the members, the area and the missionaries.
My last couple days were filled with packing, saying goodbye to members, making tacos with the district, and that's about it jaja. It was really hard saying goodbye to my companion, Elder Johnson. We had a great time together. He's become a real brother for sure.
We got transfer news on Tuesday and I left Wednesday morning. Went to the chapel and found out I'm going to an area called Rosendes in the zone Zapadores. I've come to open an area. Basically Rosendes got split and me and my new comp are opening the new side. My new comp is named Elder Pierce. He's a great dude from Virginia and has about 6 months in the mission!
We live in a four man with the other elders that are in Rosendes. One of them has been here for two transfers before, his name is Elder Harris. Actually Elder Pierce and Elder Harris were companions in the missionary training center at the start of their missions. And Elder Harris' new comp is the one and only.... Elder Carlson!!! Remember him?? We shared a ward and a house a year ago when we both came to Chile! He's a goat. Great Elder! He's an example to me and I'm very excited to work with him again!
The work here has been awesome! We don't have a chip for our phone, nor whatsapp to talk to anyone, nor a area book to know where anyone lives. So we've just been sending it to find people and pray they remember to let us in later. We started with 0 people to teach and 0 people with interest. And in this week we found 7 people to teach and 20 people with interest! We are making progress from literally nothing. I feel happy and motivated in the work! We don't know when we will receive all the useful tools, so we will still be sending it until that point.
Spiritual thought: DyC 11:12-13
"12 And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good—yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit.
13 Verily, verily, I say unto you, I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy;"
These past couple days as I've relied on the Holy Spirit more and more. I've definitely received the blessings of having my soul filled with joy! I am grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost and the many roles He plays in our life's. Look for the Spirit in your life and put your trust in Him.
Question of the week: Why is relying on the Holy Ghost important to you?
Love you all!!
Elder Spencer
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