Sunday, September 29, 2024

Training, May 20, 2024

Hey everyone! Quick updates this week!

- Tuesday and Wednesday I had a double intercambio with Elder Carreño and Elder Kay! It was very fun although one of the days I was pretty sick.

- Wednesday night we received cambio news that I was leaving!

- Thursday I said goodbye to everyone

- Friday I got in a van and left to find out where I would be going and with who!

- I found out that I would be entering an area with a new missionary arriving from some training in Brazil. He is from Guatemala, his name is Elder Pereira, and he's 22.

- this new area is right in the middle of Santiago, if you look up Plaza de Armas you'll see where I am.

- Had a new missionary/new trainer conference on Saturday! The missionary that trained me led the conference so that was fun!

- Sunday I met the ward and the sister missionaries that we share the ward with! One is from Switzerland the other from Paraguay!

- Today I met the district! There aren't any Americans so that has been different. 

Spiritual thought: Alma 37:6-7

"6 Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise. 

7 And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls."

These scriptures have brought me some peace. Especially now as I'm in a new area with a brand new missionary having to figure out what's going on. I take comfort that by my small and simple actions the Lord will work through me to help both my comp and the area. 

Question of the week: What are some small aand simple actions you can take to help let the Lord work through you to bless someone's life?

Love you all!

Elder Spencer

Family foto with my "dad" in the mission and with my "son" in the mission. 3 generations!

Me and my new comp

walking in the rain

Pday board games

Leonor, Fernando and Pia from my old ward

My old district, the boys

Mauricio and Mariela from my old ward

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