Sunday, September 29, 2024

Christian🌊🌊, April 22, 2024

This week our friend Christian got baptized!! It was an incredible experience for everyone especially for him! His girlfriend and family showed up as well as members from the ward! My friend Alexis got to baptize him and the hug they shared after Christian came out of the water will be in my mind forever. Christian couldn't stop smiling and then invited us over for food afterwards.

Speaking of food, our friends Iris and Catalina had a completada where they sold cualquier completos and we went and pounded them back. 

Also went on a intercambio with Elder Carreño, it was a blast! Lots of hard work and we found a new person to teach that was a punto rojo, a red point, meaning that in the past a missionary said this person should not be contacted due to danger or something. But Elder Carreño went for it anyways and now we are teaching someone new!

We had zone conference as well. Got to see elder Call, my trainer. Got to see my boys Carlson and Quist and a lot more! And I got to say goodbye to Elder Plane, he goes home in less then a month now. He started crying thinking about it, and I told him I'd see him on the other side in a year haha. Imma miss that man. He was with me for 8 months of my mission, a good true friend.

Spiritual thought: Mosiah 1:7

"7 And now, my sons, I would that ye should remember to search them (the scriptures) diligently, that ye may profit thereby; and I would that ye should keep the commandments of God, that ye may prosper in the land according to the promises which the Lord made unto our fathers." 

I love the two invitations made by King Benjamin in this scripture! One to read and search diligently in the scriptures! And the second to keep the commandments of God! And what will we receive in return for our efforts? We will profit on the word and prosper in the land according to the promises of the Lord! Pretty powerful eh? I also love the wording to not only search the scriptures but to search them diligently.

Question of the week: How can you more diligently search the scriptures this week??

Love you all!! 

Elder Spencer

                                    Christian's baptism 

Elder Plane

Intercambio with Carreño

Me and my comp cooking up at a friend's house

Completada with Iris

A family history ward activity, spot the Elder

The original renca boys during my first 6 weeks in Chile

Christian's baptism

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