Hola a todos!
- We started teaching a guy recently named Julio that has been selling ties to missionaries and mission presidents for 20 years now. Lots of missionaries have talked with him in the street but we were the first to ever have a visit in his house! It was really awesome. Look him up on Facebook: Corbatas Julito. Absolute legend!
- On Wednesday I got to go to my mission presidents home. It is outside of my mission but still in Santiago. We literally went up this winding mountain pass thing. And I can say with 100% certainty that the grass is greener on the other side in the east mission. It was really nice over there! I felt I was back in Sherwood Park! And president lives in an apartment building but the elevator brought us into his home . That is his front door! They have a couple floors in that apartment.
- Now for why I was there, president started a new tradition. To have a district leader training in personinstead of over zoom. So we sat there for about 7 hours listening to him talk. It was all interesting and I learned a ton! I was definitely motivated and blessed to feel the spirit. I also got to see a lot of my missionary friends so that was great!
- I did an intercambio with a new Elder in my district. He has a couple weeks in Santiago. I definitely remember feeling how he felt. His names Elder Godfrey. Really great guy, ready to work and learn. Even though 4/5 of our lessons fell through and canceled we were able to keep a smile on our faces!
- I made some lemon bars for a ward activity! They all loved it and got eaten up pretty fast.
Spiritual thought: DyC 110:4
"4 I am the first and the last; I am he who liveth, I am he who was slain; I am your advocate with the Father." I love my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am eternally grateful for Him. For the chance He gives me to return to our Heavenly Parents who are waiting with their loving arms open to receive me. Jesus Christ lives. He will come again. I want to be ready when He comes. And I want to help the world be ready to receive Him. That is why I'm serving a mission. Not to convince people to come unto Christ. But to invite them to come unto Him who is the advocate with the Father. To know He who was slain but liveth. To know the might of the first and the last. I testify of my Lord and Redeemer. That He loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you. In the name of Jesus Christ amen.
Challenge of the week: share your testimony of Jesus Christ with someone and with me through email, I'd love to hear them😊.
I love you all!! Have a lovely week!
Elder Spencer

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