Sunday, July 21, 2024

Atonement of Christ, March 25, 2024

¡¡Buenas tardes!!

Had some more cool experiences this week!

- Camila: we knocked her door a week ago and she seemed hesitant, so we passed our number to her and told her to call us when she felt like it. Anyways later that night we receive a reference, amd it turns out it was her! So we sent a message and invited her to church, turns out she couldn't go... but she was open to the idea of visiting with us. So on Tuesday we set something up in the morning! But it fell through and she didn't come, but we receive a text 2 hours later explaining what happened and if we could meet later that day. So we pull up at her house and she comes out and we all walk to the church. Her first question is where we are from and as soon as she finds out we are from Canada and the states, she switches to english! She studied in England for 6 months and traveled Europe for about 2 years. It turns out when I was England for 2 weeks we were in London at the same time! We had a great lesson with her and she is excited to read El Libro de Mormón!

- Braulio: A random point from last week. We visited him Tuesday night and put a fecha bautismal with him so that was awesome!! Then we got out and just missed our bus. And it was already 9:15pm. And we were about an hour from home, and the next bus was supposed to come 30 minutes later. So we went to the mall and a restaurant was still open so we ordered some food while we waited. The bus finally came around 9:45 and it was pretty full. Then we got to the place to change busses and it is this little stop in the middle of nowhere couple street lights. Bus didn't come for another 20min so we chilled, hoping we wouldn't get robbed. Then our bus came around 10:10 and we were the only ones on there, the lights half worked and it was covered in graffiti it was a little spooky haha. And we got back close to 10:45pm.

- Wednesday we had our interviews with our President. We were supposed to be at 1:30pm so we got there at 1 and they were behind. We didn't end up leaving until 6:30... but it was fun to catch up to the missionaries that were waiting there! We rarely get to see each other so we disfrutared our time together!

- Thursday was pretty wild. My ZL and good friend Elder Plane had the opportunity to pick his grandparents up at the airport in the morning! (I'll explain why later) and so his companion Elder Jones came and stayed with us for the morning. But then he had a leadership meeting at the office which is an hour away that we had to bring him to. Anyways we got there and realized we had two options, immediately return and eat lunch and leave again after 30min or stay there. We had this crossroad thanks to a mission wide conference being held near the office. Anyways we decided to stay and chill at the office and do some phone work, which ended up being: eating burgers with the leadership, talking to all the young missionary leaders, and helping move some things around. Then President, Elder Plane, and his grandparents walked through the door and came and greeted us before going to the meeting. Afterwards we went to the missionwide conference, heard incredible messages from Planes grandparents who turned out to be a general authority for our church. Then we ate some food, got to talk to all the amazing missionaries I've come to know in my 8 months of serving! And then we left.

Spiritual thought: This is my favourite takeaway from the mission wide conference. It was mostly focused on the Atonement of Christ and how it has two powers. The redeeming power which helps us go from bad to good to better and the enabling power which helps us go from better to best to saint. Is how the general authority put it. Anyways we started talking about the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5000 and related it to how it is the Atonement and it is enough to feed EVERYONE. But then it gets better, we looked over two verses that sometimes get don't get as much attention, at least that I knew of.

John 6:12-13

"12 When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. 

13 Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten."

Jesus asked the disciples to gather the leftovers. And there were twelve full baskets. And if we relate this to the atonement it shows that the atonement was enough to full everyone there AND still have a lot left over. The atonement of Christ is for everyone and anyone who will accept it! It is infinite! You can't fall far enough from the light of the atonement, there is always more then enough to fill you up. This is especially a wonderful time to appreciate the atonement with Easter being right here. When we celebrate when Christ atoned for you, me, and everyone. 

Question of the week: How can you remember and appreciate the atonement this week?

Love you all! God loves you! 

Elder Spencer

Sun setting on the bus

                                                                New profile flick for our whatsapp

Me and my comp at the late night bus stop

I got some el fajas again!! First time since renca! It was amazing.

Morning sunrise

This little 2 year old would not stop talking to me in his spanish gibberish, started calling me tío (uncle). I kept giving him our little pass along cards to keep him distracted to focus on the lesson.

 Me with my mission "grandma" and my mission "brother" 

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