This week was slow in the work, didn't have much success in finding people to teach, lots of lessons canceled. But I was able to maintain my motivation so I say that was a win!
I'm starting to love the smell of peaches. Right by the gate of our apartment is a peach tree that we pass under, and it smells heavenly. Everytime we leave in the morning and come back at night I look forward to the moment of closing my eyes as I smell the peaches. They are going to be ripe soon so I'm very excited to eat some!
I've been missing home this week a little bit because of the performance this weekend of Oklahoma! I really wish I could be there for that and be on stage acting singing and dancing with very close friends! Good luck to everyone that is participating in that! I want to see lots of photos and videos! Break a leg eh? And for those not participating you should go see it! It'll be amazing lots of fun music, costumes, one of my best friends in a perm. It'll be fantastic!!
Back to Estrella Sur, the most interesting thing this week was having intercambios with Elder Plane on Tuesday! That was a lot of fun, a lot of our lessons canceled so we were able to spend more time walking and talking. I got to talk in english mainly for the first time in a while which was very weird. I was finally able to express some problems that had been building up in me, he gave me some good insights which was awesome!
The heat has been getting brutal this week getting up to high 30's some days, with the air quality always in unhealthy, amd the UV index around 9-11. Yes mum don't worry I'm wearing sun screen. I'm getting a nice tan from it all, more freckles and a constant desire for agua. I usually like the heat but being outside walking in it for 4-6 hours isn't the most fun haha.
More seriously about heat, on the coast about an hour and a half away from me, in Viña del Mar there are huge huge wild fires in the city and surrounding areas. Please keep them in your prayers
thank you :).

Also please keep in your prayers Fernando, Leonor and their daughter Pia. As he is in the hospital from a huge accident. They need comfort and peace.
Spiritual thought: Alma 39:10
"10 And I command you to take it upon you to counsel with your elder brothers in your undertakings; for behold, thou art in thy youth, and ye stand in need to be nourished by your brothers. And give heed to their counsel."
I really love this verse as I have 4 brothers I can turn to for counsel. I believe this is something super important for us to do! Even if you don't have siblings turn to friends or trusted family or anyone. To be able to be lifted up and nourished by them. And in turn they will come to you. And together you will be edified, unified and have a better relationship!
Question of the week: Will you reach out to a sibling or trusted family or friend and counsel with them and be nourished by them and heed them? ¿Sí o no?
Sorry for the non eventful email, hopefully next weeks will be better.
Have a great week! And good luck Stage Eaters!
Intercambio with Elder Plane
The ferria
A funny sign that says "More icy then the heart of the toxic"
Ant man
The Estrella sur gang
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